Published October 17, 2023

The Diaspora Times news outlet has located a letter written on 13th November 2015, by the then Governor of Machakos, Dr. Alfred Mutua, warning people not to buy the grabbed land in Machakos.

Here is a copy of the letter that was sent to senior Government officials to take action against the grabbing of Portland Cement land. It appears that no action was taken, and Kenyans continued to construct their dream homes on the said land. Today the same people warned, are crying after losing millions of Shillings after the earth movers destroyed the houses immediately after a court order.

Dr. Alfred Mutua

Today, after consultation with the Board of East African Portland Cement Company Limited, the National Land Commission and my officers, I have written to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to investigate massive corruption involving land grabbing of 13,000 acres East African Portland Cement Company Limited land located at Mavoko, Machakos County. As far as we are aware, the land is still the property of East African Portland Cement Company Limited Factory and no lease has expired. On expiration of any lease, the land will revert back to the Government.
The land is public property and there has been no plan to parcel or sell the land. We are aware that interested groups involving senior Government officials and brokers are involved in a plot to grab and sell off the land.
I direct that all those occupying the land to vacate. There were never any squatters in the land and people were recently imported to justify land grabbing.
The land is not and has never been for sale, therefore, anyone who has purchased parcels of the land should consider themselves to have been conned. They should report to the police.
I urge EACC to move swiftly and fully investigate the attempted grabbing of the land. We urge the Commission to investigate all elected leaders suspected to be involved in the attempted grabbing, including Mavoko MP Hon. Patrick Makau among others.
There has been no planning and/or sub-division undertaken or approval given by my Government for the said land. The Machakos County Government has not approved any development, including fencing of the land and therefore, any buildings including fences constructed are illegal structures.
The cancer of corruption, theft and land grabbing if unchecked will destroy Kenya forever. We have to put our foot down and say enough is enough.

Report by Arch Dr. Isaac Kinungi

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