Published January 10, 2024

William Ruto’s visits to his first Primary School may have been intended to revive childhood memories, but the same turned out to be an embarrassment after a dilapidated School in a sorry state was revealed to Kenyans and the world.

Here, we are not talking of a remote school in an area where representatives don’t go past members of Parliament- but in a locality served by a past President, a ten-year Deputy President, a Minister for Education and now the sitting President.

The loss of credibility obviously will now stem from Ruto’s association with a disgraced and dilapidated school that was his stepping stone to something else. It took center stage this week after the dilapidated equipment less School with collapsing walls was revealed in broad daylight during his visit.

In order to convey the competence of leaders, we turn to the past when we have the same that can convey achievements, and the performance to transform and elevate the School one attended, speaks volumes for itself.

The recent visit by Kenya’s head of State to his former School, was an embarrassing moment that told a story of sheer neglect to his beginnings when he possessed all the powers to uplift his Primary School especially.

The jokes he made with the former teachers were watered down by the appearance of the dilapidated School not far away from where he built his personal, secluded, state-of-the-art elegant dwelling house. If former students would be punished for not elevating their school after leaving, maybe he would have been caned by the very tough discipline teacher he shook hands with and immediately remembered the severe beatings. The red carpet laid next to the collapsing building would not have been necessary.

The shame of the school immediately started trending on social media and many people wondered how a man once a Minister for education could have failed to transform and elevate his former School.

The tour of the School after it was over left- many questions unanswered and nothing to quote or associate a one-time DP and now a President to any worthy cause to those who deserve before serving other Kenyans.

The revelation will now cast doubt on Kenyans who still expect any major magic from William Ruto’s leadership, considering that his past cannot elevate his stand in the community and society at large.

As the embarrassment treads on social media, and if schools were humans, I guess Sambut Primary would make a call to St Mary’s School where former President Uhuru attended and though happening too late, tell it, “Soon I will challenge your beauty”. If that don’t happen, the fame of the school now boasting of educating the current President of Kenya will only remain as a mere name and little else.

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Arch. Dr. Isaac Kinungi

The Diaspora Times.

“We are the diaspora voices.”

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