Published January 12, 2024

The predicament of billionaire Jaswant Singh Rai scares very many local and foreign investors in Kenya. At the same time it scares the would be new foreign investors into investing in Kenya because of what William Ruto did to Jaswant Singh Rai.  William Ruto sent plain clothes police officers to abduct Jaswant Singh Rai in broad daylight and he was kept incommunicado for two days. What William Ruto did to Jaswant Singh Rai was inanity and abnormal.  Kenya is a democratic nation with a constitution and laws.  William Ruto should have followed the constitution and the laws if Jaswant Singh Rai had committed any crime.

He was released by his abductors after there arose a national outcry by Kenyans over the disappearance of the billionaire. immediately after his release by his abductors, William Ruto ordered him to withdraw all the cases he had filed in court against the government.–4349832

President William Ruto warned Jaswant Singh Rai that if he failed to withdraw those cases he had filed in court,  he risked either serving jail term, deportation, or being sent to heaven.

It is a well  known fact that nobody would go to heaven alive. Sending Jaswant Singh Rai to heaven was no doubt a William Ruto open revelation that he contemplated to murder Jaswant Singh Rai if he failed to withdraw the cases from court. That was not only scary to local and foreign investors already in Kenya, but also to the would be investors in Kenya. As a result,  Jaswant Singh Rai has lost most of his businesses.

Despite Jaswant Singh Rai withdrawal of all the cases from court, William Ruto  destroyed his house.  

William Ruto intimidation and threats to Jaswant Singh Rai has depicted what kind of a leader he is. He is ruthless, merciless, dictatorial,  and very brutal.  If William Ruto will remain president of Kenya in the next 3 years, not only will Kenyans suffer more, but the entire world will be in solidarity with Kenyans over the deploring situation in Kenya. The entire East African block has a problem with the Ruto leadership. Already Uganda has taken Kenya to the East African court.

DRC has already summoned and/or withdrawn its Ambassador from Kenya.

Sudan rejected William Ruto mediation.

Where is Kenya leading to with the high cost of living, the threats to investors and with all those differences with the neighboring East African nations.

Dr. Isaac Newton Kinity

Counselor & Human Rights Activist.

Connecticut,  USA.

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