Published January 20, 2024

Change can be scary. It doesn’t matter if you’re going through a small change or a big one — doing something totally different than you’re used to is terrifying.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell

President William Ruto’s well-memorized street manifesto promises to end poverty in a country with over 10 million poor people, is now turning out to be the most deceiving campaign promises ever imagined.

While on top of vehicles, he recited the impossible to look possible due to his oratorical gift- good enough to convince the poor that a savior was hell-bent on including them at the decision-making table-but all has turned out as “hot air”.

It is now eventually turning out to be a strange story told to computer-age children, the money-salivating clergy, and the ignorant who were convinced that- a wheelbarrow could eradicate poverty.

The street imagination fiction gospel during campaigns sounded like a page-turner to many desperate poor Kenyans who believed that a savior had finally come. However, conscious and reflective minds knew that wheelbarrows could not be an effective tool to rely on to eradicate poverty.

Many politicians in William Ruto’s administration today -are only interested in their welfare while attacking those already out of the system- rather than getting down to deliver their promises. The deserving promises of cutting down taxes, a health plan for all, free education and increasing production, are not featured much today, but only the usual politician’s way of making daily fake promises while giving handouts to weak politicians. The sweet lies that convinced the poor that a bright future was on the way, is today a figment of imagination, never a reality and thus making many lose hope of ever enjoying a good life.

Kenyans are tired of politicians promising what they will do to revive the economy, but after the general elections, it’s like they were in a theatre, and the day of swearing-in, is when the curtains closed. The same politicians will rarely appear again at the places they would promise the poor, and the manufactured empty lies -are kept on hold for another five years while Wananchi continues to suffer. A vicious cycle without end, as nothing significant will be done to improve the lives of poor Kenyans who are now told to seek divine intervention or to immigrate to other countries where they can get jobs.

There must be genuine leaders shielded somewhere so as not to speak on behalf of the oppressed but are somehow impotent to change the status quo or fear the wrath of William Ruto after he swore publicly to use the sword to those opposing him.

Kenyans should not entertain Politics of deceit for too long and they must now save their Nation by voicing their concerns like Hon Raila and other committed politicians have been doing. The Government must embrace sincere dialogue and come to terms with the realities of hopelessness experienced countrywide.

The intimidation of taking to court past leaders in the Uhuru administration- is scary, to say the least, as it shows a desperate government hell-bent on a revenge mission while at the same time- not having the slightest idea on how to improve the collapsing economy.

The regime is clearly slowly turning Kenya into a one-party dictatorship by weakening the opposition and interfering with the three arms of the Government so that draconian laws can be passed at will to silence those voicing their concerns.

The promise William Ruto swore during the swearing-in ceremony- to safeguard the Constitution, is clearly not the case, as he has vowed to deal with those opposing him. He is doing so while supported by fake clergymen and sycophant’s politicians organizing meaningless prayers countrywide. However, Kenya’s economy will not be saved through prayers, threats and intimidations- but a well-defined economic policy that will ensure that the country’s resources are shared and distributed equitably.

The judiciary’s interference is in contravention of the 2010 constitution that gave power to the three arms of Government, for each was meant to work independently while maintaining their autonomous decisions beneficial to all. Government may be defined as an institution that is primarily concerned with governance and the general well-being of the people within its governance. Hence, the Government cannot function properly unless there exist some structure and organs. All countries the world over that cherish democracy- must adopt a structure that make the government exist through different arms which should maintain their autonomous decisions without interference.

Separation of the three arms of Government is mandatory, and anyone trying to destroy the gains of the much-fought 2nd liberation -simply wants anarchy in Kenya.

Kenyans must rise above petty party politics and individual ambitions for the sake of the future generations. The Constitution, which is the only tie that binds us, must be left intact (or amended through a general consensus) and the same safeguarded at any cost.

The proposed “hot air” meeting between William Ruto and the judiciary, is an ill-conceived idea that must be condemned by all Kenyans for it should never happen in a country that observes the Constitution and the rule of law.

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Arch Dr. Isaac Kinungi


Diaspora National Assembly

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