Published April 28, 2024

Tribute by Ngugi wa Thiong’o

Zarina you have left us
To be with us always
You were there when workers marched for adequate wages
You were there when peasants marched to defend their lands
You marched with all who march to demand adequate shelters
You marched with students rejecting education for sale and profit
Who demanded education for self-confidence and pride in us Kenyan people
You, sister Zarina Patel
You always marched step by step with all seekers of justice.
Zarina you remind me of Gama Pinto
Assassinated because he warned us against neo-colonialism
Zarina you remind me of
Makhan Singh
The founding genius of Trade
Unionism in Kenya
The first Kenyan to be “deported” to
Because in 1948 he said Kenyan
people could govern themselves
Zarina you remind me of Desai who in 1920 worked with Harry Thuku
Who became the link between
Gadhi’s Indian Congress and Marcus Garvey’s movement
And that was why the British Killed Nyanjirũ Mũthoni and 150 Workers
And deported Harry Thuku
to Kismayu
And then brainwashed him…
Thus breaking the link between Asia, Africa and Black
America resistance…
Zarina let me stop there because
I don’t want tears to flood my face
Because I know you would want us Not to Cry for your body departed
But to cry with all those fighting for justice
Marching with all the workers and peasants of Kenya, Africa, Asia and the world.
Zarina Patel your body has returned to the elements
Fire, light, Ra
You will always be the sun shining in all our struggles for Justice
Zarina you have left us
To be with us always
See the fire
See the light
Thank you Sister Zarina Patel

TRIBUTE FROM Booker Ngesa Omole 

In the wake of Comrade Zarina Patel’s passing, we mourn the loss of a fearless advocate, a tireless activist, and a true revolutionary spirit. Zarina’s legacy echoes through the annals of Kenyan history, as she dedicated her life to fighting injustice, championing human rights, and preserving the environment.

As a prominent figure in the former Social Democratic Party (Marxist-Leninist), now the Communist Party of Kenya, Zarina was a former member of the central committee and also served as the party’s national treasurer until her resignation. Her commitment to Marxist-Leninist ideals never wavered. Alongside her partner, Zahid Rajan, she stood on the front lines of the struggle for social justice, democracy, and equality.

Zarina’s contributions to Kenyan society are immeasurable. From her groundbreaking work in physiotherapy to her prolific writings on South Asian history, she illuminated the stories of nationalist leaders and journalists, ensuring their legacies would endure for generations to come.

Her courageous efforts to save Jeevanjee Gardens from land grabbers in 1991 epitomize her unwavering dedication to the public good. Zarina’s leadership in the Asian African Heritage Trust, her role in the Ufungamano initiative for Constitutional Change, and her appointment to the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission taskforce underscore her commitment to building a more just and equitable society.

As the managing editor of AwaaZ magazine, Zarina’s voice resonated far and wide, amplifying the struggles of marginalized communities and shining a light on the urgent issues of our time. Together with Zahid Rajan, she co-founded the SAMOSA Festival, providing a platform for dialogue, activism, and cultural exchange.

In her son Raahat, Zarina leaves behind a legacy of courage, compassion, and unwavering dedication to the cause of liberation. Though she may no longer walk among us, her spirit lives on in the hearts of all those who continue the fight for a better world.

Comrade Zarina Patel, rest in power. Your gallant spirit will forever inspire us to keep the flame of revolution burning bright.

Booker Ngesa Omole 

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