Published March 22, 2024

HAITI Na HITI : Rũgano Rwa Mwaũrandũ Na Ameriandũ
Irebeta rĩa athuri erĩ me gatu

By Ngũgi Wa Thiongo and Ndũngi Wa Gĩthuku

Nĩ Haiti tũgũthiĩ kana nĩ hiti tũkũnina Kenya ?


Rũgano rwa Mwaũrandũ na Ameriandũ

Rũgane nĩ Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o na Ndũngi wa Gĩthuku

Mwaũrandũ erĩirwo dollar nĩ Ameriandũ

Arĩa maatuire Haiti werũ wa Hiti

Atĩ amethere njamba cia gũthiĩ kũgitĩra Haiti

Nake akĩigua ta arerwo acarie njamba cia gũthiĩ kũũgita Hiti

Akĩenga igego rĩrĩa rĩake rĩthambagio na iria akamaga ng’ombe ciene


Ona ti kũmĩũgita niĩ nĩ kũmĩũraga na ndĩmĩthike

Infakti tene ndarĩ thikahiti

Ndũmĩrai ngirimiti ndĩmĩthece kĩrore tũthike Hiti

Oigĩrĩrio nĩ kĩrĩndĩ, agĩĩtua mbũramatũ

Egũthage gĩthũri na ngundi igĩrĩ ta gorilla

Mũtirĩ ũndũ mũngĩnjĩka!

Niĩ ndimakaga

Ndahaicirio ndebe cia thikahiti

Nginya ngĩtuĩka mũtongoria wa thika hiti.

O na gũthika nĩ thikĩte andũ aigana ta hiti

Nĩ ũndũ kũngararia na angĩ kũnjugĩrĩria

Agĩkĩũngania ciana ciake agĩcionia ũrĩa ˙Hiti ĩhĩtagwo

Na ũrĩa ĩthikagwo getha kĩimba gĩtikarute kĩheera kĩnungie rĩera

Kĩmenyeke harĩa gĩathikirio

Agĩcoka akĩreherwo marũa ma ngirimiti 

Nĩ mũtũmwo wa Ameriandũ

O acio maatuire Haiti werũ wa hiti

Athiũrũrũkĩirio nĩ mbicobu-a-mpesa

Agĩtheca ngirimiti kĩrore na kĩngĩ

Engete igego rĩrĩa rĩake rĩthambagio na iria rĩene

O rĩrĩ arathagathaga mbũtũ yake kũhaica ndege

Akĩigua atĩ ndege ya ũrĩa wamũthecithĩtie kĩrore

Nĩ yagire gwa kũmba atĩ yatigirwo rĩerainĩ

Yererage  kuo ta hũngũ rĩerainĩ

Mwaũrandũ akiuga ũcio tiũndũ

O na mũtũmwo atuĩka hũngũ ya kwera rĩerainĩ

Ngirimiti nĩ ngirimiti

Dollar ngiri na ngiri ikirĩire mũhukoinĩ wakwa

Karĩ nda ya Mwaũrandũ gatiĩyumbũraga.

kiũria: Nĩ Haiti tũgũthiĩ kana nĩ hiti tũkũnina Kenya ?

Haiti, and the Hyenas,

The story of Mwaura Andu and Ameria Andu

Narrated by Ngugi wa Thiong’o, and Ndungi wa Githuku

Mwaura Andu was promised dollars by America Andu, those who made Ahiti the land of Hyenas,

Ameria –Andu asked Mwaura Andu to get them warriors to go defend Ahiti,

Mwaura Andu interpreted it that he was asked to get America-Andu warriors to go provoke the Hyenas,

 He smiled, exposing his white teeth, the ones he cleans with milk stolen from other people’s cows,

He said;

Ndungi wa Githuku:

It is not even about provoking the Hyena. It is about killing it and burying it!

In fact, I used to be a man who buries hyenas! Ha ha ha!

Send me the agreement, I sign it!

I want to go bury the hyena!

Ngugi wa Thiong’o:

And when the masses questioned him, he blocked his ears,

He thumped his chest with his two fists like a gorilla!

Ndungi wa Githuku:

(Stamps his chest with his two fists)

You can do nothing to me, I am fearless!

I climbed through the ranks of the land of Thika Hiti (Land of the Hyena tombs),

Until I became the leader of Thika Hiti!

I have also buried severally like Ahiti, those who went against me, and those who questioned me!

Ngugi wa Thiong’o:

And he gathered his children and showed them how hyenas are buried,

How hyenas are buried so that their corpse doesn’t smell and contaminate the air, as it would tell where the corpse is buried,

He then received the agreement from a messenger of the Ameria Andu,

The same Ameria Andu who made Ahiti the land of Hyenas!

Surrounded by Bishops of money, he signed the agreement, ka! And again,

Ngugi and Ndungi: Ka!

Ngugi wa Thiong’o:

He smiled with his white teeth, cleaned with stolen milk!


Ha ha ha!

Ngugi wa Thiong’o:

In the meantime, he was preparing his troops to board a plane!

Then he was told that the plane belonging to those that had made him sign an agreement had failed to get a landing clearance!

And it was left hovering in the air like an eagle!


Mwaura Andu said, “That is nothing!”

Even if those sent remain in the air like an eagle, an agreement is an agreement,

Thousands and thousands of dollars are right in my pockets!

Ngugi wa Thiong’o:

Weeh! Whatever is in Mwaura Andu’s stomach (Whatever Mwaura Andu has swallowed) does not reveal itself!

Translation By mutahi Maina.

 Copied by the Diaspora Times correspondent as is but with a few spelling collections.

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