Published February 17, 2024

When something is right, he is willing to overcome any opposition to preserve and spread it. The statesman is ambitious—he must be to obtain a position of power—but there are things he simply will and will not do to get to the top. He is a man of integrity; he speaks the truth. He leads by moral authority and represents all that is best in his countrymen.” That is who Raila is.

The choice for Hon Raila Odinga to pursue the continental position currently occupied by former Chad’s premier Musa Faki, whose term comes to an end in February 2025, has stirred mixed reactions in the country.

New Kenya Movement has been instrumental in advancing a political narrative that revolves around rebranding the country’s future in a more programmatic way directed at people living as disenfranchised majority to the advantage of the minority of Kenyan people through mindset change.

A country should avoid living a life of self-denial at the moment where self-introspection is key to its people.

The country’s cost of living keeps escalating with government systems seemingly broken down.
In a recent exposure, both passports and identification card issuance are causing an unnecessary havoc to average citizen.
So much in the country seems not responsive to the people from the level of deterioration facing public sectors, especially health and education.

The recent controversial housing levy that was halted by the courts and a number of other embattled policies being pursued by the ruling Kenya Kwanza administration to their detriment are just but some of the upheavals that make Kenyans feel quite unsafe without Hon Raila Odinga in our local politics.

It’s, therefore, a question of giving our generational change the impetus it deserves not to waiver and allow the country sink under the President’s watch.

Kenyans should accept the transition that has been blown to full imagination by the perceived exit of
Hon Raila Odinga to pursue African interests from a global perspective!
This is a reward to his great works and now joins other great statesmen, and this is something we should all glorify.

In the meantime, let’s encourage our men and women with firm, objective, and visionary leadership to come forward and take up the reigns of this great country, and with the right policies in place and positive contributions from all of us, Kenya will never be the same again!
The one step in the right direction is

By Charles Kabiriri

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