Published December 31, 2023

Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision.

The ability to direct individual accomplishments towards organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” –Andrew Carnegie.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller

It’s now no secret that Jeremy Damaris YouTube channel KDM is currently under restrictions after it was affected by claims of copyright by a Kenyan who is no stranger to him.

Jeremy, however, is determined to continue with his philanthropic mission despite the temporary restriction and has opened a new YouTube channel which has already gained momentum through new subscriptions.

The same, dubbed “CHANGING LIVES”, is a continuation of the same initiatives that he started in 2015 and was still at the peak- when he learnt that someone had complained to YouTube.

He is now appealing to all his friends to subscribe to his new YouTube channel.


Jeremy Damaris, is the President of Kenya Diaspora Media and his story, is not even possible to many for it’s a story of perseverance, insistence, and sheer determination to get to where he is today.

Jeremy, together with his dear wife Sally, immigrated to the USA in the year 2015 and like many all go through, it was not a bread-and-butter story, but within a short period, Jeremy was able to start from scratch the Kikuyu Diaspora radio, which later went global and was re-branded the Kenya Diaspora Media.

The word compassion may have been created just to describe this true son of Africa as he has many times gone out of his way expressing the same while benevolently responding positively to praiseworthy cases many don’t pay attention to and watch without doing anything to help mankind.

A philanthropist who has been on a journey of inspiring and fulfilling the dreams that brought him to America, while connecting the dots, and networking with those that share common values and unity of purpose, to bring about change to humanity and society at large.

Yes, Jeremy has a special gift that can make us believe in ourselves and together as one BIG family in Diaspora, we can do great things to make sky is the limit statement to appear like an understatement for we can go beyond.

Jeremy is not a failure and nothing significant will affect his mission after the same is reinstated and if not, the new back up YouTube channel will pick up fast because all his fans are still intact.

Here at THE DIASPORA TIMES, we can only wish him and the KDM fraternity, a smooth continuity and hope that his new channel will even have many more subscribers.

By Arch Dr. Isaac Kinungi

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