Published April 6, 2024

By Migwi wa Karugu

A lot has been said lately about President Uhuru and Kikuyu Kingpin ship. There’s even a full movement called Kieleweke and its sister movement Embrace going round the Kikuyu Nation and beyond informing all and sundry that Uhuru is the Kingpin of the Kikuyu people in particular and Mt. Kenya region in general; and that nothing of importance can happen in those regions without his blessings and directions.

Anyone disagreeing with that analogy and viewpoint is labeled a rebel and a traitor of Mt. Kenya region; ungrateful and lacking respect for the Kikuyu Kingpin.

I want to take a closer and critical look at Uhuru’s claims of Kingship of Kikuyu Nation – first with a historic perspective and then a factual perspective.


1. After Mzee Jomo Kenyatta’s death in 1978, Kikuyus were left without a leader because nobody had been groomed or risen up amongst them as Mzee was supposed to be immortal. You cannot plan for a replacement for someone who is never meant to die.

Anyone deemed to have any claim to Kikuyu leadership out of Mzees kitchen cabinet was seen as an enemy and had to be dealt with since Mzees kitchen cabinet had plans to rule Kenya forever.

2. When Moi ascended into the presidency after Mzee Jomo Kenyatta’s death in 1978, he embarked on a systematic destruction of anything Kikuyu; politicians,  businesses, schools, cultural groups,  you name it… for Kikuyus in Jomos kitchen cabinet had mistreated and humiliated him very badly while serving as VP and after Kenyatta’s death it was payback time.

3. As a result of the mistreatment meted out on Kikuyus by Moi; they deserted him, except one Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and a group of other opportunists.

Few Kikuyus dared stand up to Moi and the ones that dared to do so, like Ken Matiba,  Charles Rubia, Koigi Wamwere, Ngugi wa Thiongo, etc. met untold suffering during Moi reign.

4. Fast forward to 1989: the Berlin wall falls; the Russian Empire crumbles, East/West  political tensions evaporate. Western governments,  which had hitherto looked the other way as Moi and other African dictators ran roughshod amongst their populations, suddenly had a change of heart and started demanding for opening up of the political space and multipartism became the catch phrase in hitherto one party states.

In 1990, Kenya became a multiparty State.


1. With the advent of Multipartism, Kikuyus and the entire Mt. Kenya region abandoned KANU and Moi to a man and joined the various opposition parties; except, you guessed it right again one Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. He chose to remain with the tormentor of Kikuyus,  Daniel Moi.

2. During the first multiparty elections of 1992, as the entire  Mt. Kenya region, and the whole country at large voted for the opposition ( Moi was re-elected with 34% of popular vote), Uhuru was the KANU candidate for Gatundu constituency and KANU point man in Mt. Kenya region.

The people of Gatundu rejected Uhuru outright for they could not understand how any Kikuyu,  in their right mind would stand by Moi knowing the destruction he had done to them.

This pattern of behavior by Uhuru and Gatundu voters would be repeated again in 1997.

3. In 2002, after being anointed by Moi as KANU successor and Presidential candidate, few people in the entire Mt. Kenya region voted for Uhuru; and even those few, I dare say for selfish and shallow reasons.

Up to that time, Uhuru had never proved himself as possessing any leadership qualities.

Fortunately for the country, Moi’s Uhuru Project was humiliated at the polls.

4. In the 2007 General Election, vintage Uhuru again stood for Gatundu constituency seat on a KANU ticket and this time won… being amongst only 15 MPs elected on a KANU ticket in the whole country. What an achievement?

5. In 2012, with his Mentor Moi completely faded, and his beloved party KANU in tatters and degenerated into irrelevance, Uhuru opportunistically abandoned KANU, joined his Mt. Kenya brethrens and formed TNA Party.

The gods of luck and timing, just like they had smiled on Jomo, smiled at him and he became the President through a multiplicity of factors in 2013. The rest is history.


With the foregoing, I have a few observations and comments to make about Uhurus claim to Kikuyu Kingpin ship:

1. Uhuru is a Johnny-come-lately in Kikuyu struggles and achievements during the second liberation.

2. Uhuru is a political opportunist.

3. If there is someone who has disrespected and ignored Kikuyu’s and their wishes, it is Uhuru Kenyatta.

4. There are many Kikuyus who have earned and deserve Kikuyu Kingpin title; and Uhuru should not be amongst them.

5. Last time an outgoing President (Moi) anointed his successor (Uhuru), the anointed one failed miserably.

It’s worth noting that Uhuru comes to Kikuyu land agitated, breathing fire and trembling with anger after visiting Luo Nyanza. While there, he sees and experiences first hand how Luos, to a man, adore and worship Raila, following his commands and directions without asking any question.  Uhuru craves such following and worship from his tribesmen but unfortunately for him, that is not going to happen as Kikuyus will give respect where it has been earned and is due.

They will not worship or blindly follow another human being, Uhuru included; however much they are bullied,  coerced,  threatened or sang at.

As the Swahili saying goes.. KIZURI CHA JIUZA, KIBAYA CHA JITEMBEZA.

Kama ni Kizuri, wacha  kijiuze, tutakinunua.

I ask, with all these facts, has Uhuru deserve the title of Kikuyu Nation Kingpin?

God, in due season will show us our King. Let us search for a leader in truth and humility and leave frauds alone, for you will get nothing but heartache.

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