Published January 26, 2024

It has come to a time when everyone is reading about President William Samoe Ruto as a con.

Now, it is coming to be known that from a survey done in his official U.D.A. as the worst president Kenya ever had with 78% of the vote, compared to Moi 30% and Uhuru 20%.

President Ruto has become the world’s political swindle.

He’s both a Pan Africanist (when in Kaunda suits) and a pro-western (when in normal suits)

The Kenya free visa policy has backfired only a month after its commissioning.

The world had offered to this man a standing ovation!

His recent State House meeting with CJ Martha Koome following his onslaught on the Judiciary, terming it as corrupt and saying that he will defy court orders, is spelling doom to his administration.

Little did he know that he was falling on his own sword

CJ Martha Koome will go down in history as the most incompetent Chief Justice Kenya has ever had.

It’s emerging that CJ Martha Koome, D.C.J. Philomena Mwilu, Lady Justice Njoki Ndungu, and Justice Smokin Wanjala,  constitute an infiltrated bench!

President William Samoe Ruto’s right-hand person Madam Sholeil, the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly was spotted last year in Karen Briten car park, handing to SCOK Judge Justice Lenox Linaola money that is believed to have been proceeds to influence the outcome of the 2022 presidential petition in favour of the incumbent.

The amount was said to have been partly $ 170 m.

As of today, a petition filed by Martha Karua to verify the justification of the SCOK  ruling in the East Africa Legislative Court is being looked into.

This has sent shock waves to the SCOK, and the bench was said to be in a closed door meeting looking into the facts that followed their 2022 ruling, if it was watertight or can have room to overthrowing by the East African Court.

It’s believed that Justice Lenox Linaola wrote the ruling that was read out by CJ Martha Koome.

If indeed it becomes apparently clear that SCOK was influenced to the extent of reinstating William Ruto, in a ruling that was read in his favour…

 The New Kenya Movement will lead Kenyans to demand that the SCOK be dissolved and the subsequent resignation of President William Samoe Ruto.

By Charles Kabiriri

New Kenya Movement

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